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Dr. Beata Bliss Lewis, MD is board certified in psychiatry, child psychiatry and integrative holistic medicine and works in private practice in Brooklyn. Dr. Beata Lewis goes by “Bliss,” which is the English translation of “Beata” her Polish first name. Bliss is also the mother of twin girls.

Dr. Lewis trained at New York University for child psychiatry and Columbia University for adult psychiatry. She earned her medical degree at Harvard Medical School, and biology degree at Harvard University.

Dr. Lewis main areas of interest are psychotherapy, integrative psychopharmacology, mind-body medicine and nutrition. She teaches New York University undergraduate courses Complementary and Alternative Mental Health and Nutrition and Mental Health.

In her clinical work, Dr. Lewis integrates psychiatry and psychotherapy treatments with alternative and complementary approaches. Depending on the needs of the individual patient, Dr. Lewis may recommend a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, genetic and laboratory evaluation, nutritional evaluation, psychotherapy, medications, and other treatments.  Dr. Lewis collaborates closely with the psychotherapy and body based treatment teams for comprehensive care.

Dr. Lewis has a special interest in helping women experiencing infertility and difficulties during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

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Kaylee Rutchik, LCSW, RYT is a mom, a psychotherapist and a yoga therapist specializing in mind body therapy.  Kaylee has a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University and is an Integrative Yoga Therapist.  

Kaylee practices cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and can also incorporate holistic therapies such as mindfulness training and yoga therapy to best address the needs of individuals.

Kaylee has a particular interest in working with pregnancy, postpartum life, and supporting mothers as they find their new selves and new lives.



Mind Body Women’s Health

Office: 200 Prospect Park West, 1R, Office 3, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Phone: 212.621.7770

Email: info@mindbody7.com
