Our Specialties

PMS Treatment

Menstrual Cycle and PMS

Evaluation of hormone health and hormone balancing with acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, and when needed medication.

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Holistic treatment of infertility and support through infertility treatments such as IVF.

Menopause Specialist

Perimenopause and Menopause

Hormone testing and balancing using mind body treatments, herbs, supplements and when needed limited bioidentical hormone replacement.

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Support during pregnancy and preparation for the post-partum period.  Bodywork, psychotherapy and when needed careful management of psychiatric medication use during pregnancy.

menopause treatment

Post Partum

New Moms need care to promote recovery and positive transition to motherhood.  We offer a variety of post-partum care packages, including bodywork, post-partum Chinese herbs and soups, preventative mental health care, and home visits.

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Anti-Aging, Skin and Scars

Anti-aging acupuncture and scar therapy